You are advised that the funds offered are solely on the basis of the information contained in the prospectuses, information memorandums and product highlight sheet (‘PHS”) and no other information outside the prospectuses, information memorandums and PHS. Any other material outside the designated area on the website for the prospectuses, information memorandums and PHS does not form part of the prospectuses, information memorandums and PHS. Our funds are subject to investment risks and the description of those risks is published in our prospectuses, information memorandums and PHS. Investors are advised to make own risk assessment. If in doubt, please consult a professional advisor.
Copies of the prospectuses, information memorandums and PHS which are featured on our website, have been approved, authorised, registered, lodged and submitted with the Securities Commission Malaysia (where applicable), who takes no responsibility for their contents. The approval, authorisation, registration, lodgement or submission do not amount to nor indicate that the Securities Commission Malaysia has recommended or endorsed the funds. Investors have the right to request for a copy of the prospectuses, information memorandums, PHS and the application forms, which are available at our office.
You should seek expert advice, study the prospectuses, supplementary prospectuses, information memorandums, supplementary information memorandums and PHS, as well as consider the fees and charges involved before investing. You should also note that distributions and net asset value per unit do go up and down and past performance is not indicative of future performance. You are advised to read and understand the contents of the prospectuses, information memorandums and PHS before making any investment decision.
Where a distribution is declared, you are advised that following the distribution, the NAV per unit will be reduced from cum-distribution NAV to ex-distribution NAV.
BOS Wealth Management Malaysia Berhad (“BOSWM MY”) is responsible for the e-prospectuses, e-supplementary prospectuses, e-information memorandums, e-supplementary information memorandums, e-PHS, application forms, investment forms and declaration forms featured in this website.
I confirm that I have read and understood the fund disclaimer.